Salman Khan celebrates his 59th birthday today. The celebration for the special occasion began late last night. Salman was seen arriving at sister Arpita Khan Sharma’s home. Arbaaz Khan, Sohail Khan, Bobby Deol, Iulia Vantur, Sangeeta Bijlani, Sajid Khan and others also joined the midnight bash. Photos from the party have now emerged.
Sajid Khan took to his social media handle to share a video from Salman Khan’s birthday bash. Salman who shares his birthday with his niece Ayat can be seen in her father Aayush Sharma's arms with some scrumptious cakes laid out on a table.
Salman Khan can be seen keeping it casual in a black t-shirt paired with blue jeans. He posed with the guests and it looks like they all had a great time.
Check out all the photos here:
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