The teaser for Salman Khan's Sikandar, which was originally set to be released on December 27, the actor's birthday, has been postponed. The delay follows the passing of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on December 26. Directed by AR Murugadoss, the teaser will now be released on December 28 at 11:07 AM, as confirmed by the official X account of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment.
The statement reads, “In light of the passing of our esteemed former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Ji, we regret to announce that the release of the Sikandar teaser has been postponed to 28th December 11:07 AM.”
In light of the passing of our esteemed former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Ji, we regret to announce that the release of the Sikandar teaser has been postponed to 28th December 11:07 AM. Our thoughts are with the nation during this time of mourning. Thank you for understanding.…
— Nadiadwala Grandson (@NGEMovies) December 27, 2024
Sajid Nadiadwala’s upcoming magnum opus, Sikandar, had earlier unveiled its first look poster, and it’s nothing short of iconic.
Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by A R Murugadoss' Sikandar promises to be a cinematic spectacle that blends action, drama, and emotion. With this captivating first look, the countdown to Salman Khan’s next blockbuster has officially begun.from filmfares